Tag Archives: PinkLabel.TV

The San Francisco PornFilmFestival

by Rich Moreland, July 2020

A decade ago, I began researching feminist porn and twice attended the now defunct Feminist Porn Awards in Toronto. In the course of those excursions, this straight guy learned a great deal about the queer porn community and its cinematic tastes. What’s more, a friendship developed with performer Jiz Lee who provided me with an invaluable perspective for Pornography Feminism: As Powerful as She Wants to Be, published in 2015.

Fast forward to 2020 and Covid19. Jiz works in marketing for Shine Louise Houston’s company, Pink and White Productions, and periodically sends me updates on what’s happening with their artistic projects. So, you guessed it, I’ve got some shameless advertising about their latest endeavor to spark your interest.

I’ll let Jiz explain what we need to know.

The project is called The San Francisco PornFilmFestival.

“We originally wanted this to be in-person,” Jiz begins, “but COVID19 changed plans so we’re bringing it online and also building the site to host it, since mainstream streaming sites don’t allow porn and porn sites aren’t really invested in the concept of a ‘festival’ event.”

As an industry scribe, I understand this dilemma.

Consequently, the task for Pink and White is to find an acceptable route to reach their audience. Jiz lets us know how that’s coming along.

“Once again, we’re having to carve out a place. In this case, it will also benefit other adult film festivals that are looking for porn-friendly online venues now that their theater events are unsafe [for large gatherings].”

Shine Louise Houston. The joy of queer porn!

To emphasize how much Covid has disabled travel and close personal contact for industry people and fans, Jiz emphasizes that the event will have “a livestream film festival platform.” In other words, you can see it at home!

A super challenge for Pink and White and a most laudable one.

So, here I am the “promoter” (who knows nothing about promotion!) encouraging you to get involved if queer porn is your thing. Or, if it’s not, consider supporting free expression for all sexualities/genders and the LGBTQ community at large. That’s especially important in these troubled times.

Everyone will be appreciative. Spirits will be lifted and sexuality explored in new and exciting ways!

For a more thorough understanding of what the festival offers, check out PinkWhite.biz, CrashPadSeries.com, and PinkLabel.TV on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.

To financially assist the project and learn more about it, go to:  https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/help-the-san-francisco-pornfilmfestival-go-virtual#/

 *          *           *

I can’t finish this post without a look back and a big thank you to Jiz and Shine. Here we are in Toronto at the awards show a few years ago.

Happy viewing to everyone and stay safe!

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